Gen. Peter Pace, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman,
chokes up at the hearing. (By Joe Raedle -- Getty Images)
July 10 -- The Washington Post ran a story about the congressional hearings on immigration currently being held in Miami, Florida. The highlight of the hearing was the dramatic testimony provided by General Peter Pace, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman as he choked up at the hearings when speaking about his Italian immigrant father and the opportunities that America has given his family.
As a former Marine (I served from 1980 to 1983), I commend Gen. Pace for his willingness to share his personal story. I salute him for his bravery and emotion and thus hopefully demonstrate to our legislative leaders that an army of immigrants is just as emotionally connected to America as is this top Marine.
Semper Fidelis. General Pace. Semper Fidelis!
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